
A Strong Growth Culture Starts with a Highly Effective Sales Meeting

Your biggest challenge as your agency’s sales leader will be running sales meetings that challenge a producer to build a strategy to beat the incumbent. 


The Continuous and Rapid Improvement Sales Process (CRISP) enables you to keep the attention of your producers and more importantly, how to convert their general concepts and statements like; “It’s our markets, our people, our experience” into black and white, rock-solid differences that can be used as Wedges to win the business


Keep your producers focused on the key differences that set your agency apart


Reposition your abstract differences into concrete and overwhelmingly attractive features to the prospect.


Then shape them into a picture-perfect wedge to improve sales calls.


Get powerful introductions and learn how to tell a better story that will open more doors.


Are You Ready To Change the Game?

May 27 – 28, 2020

What Our Clients Say

Randy Schwantz

About Randy Schwantz

Agents like to win and they want to win. But, most weren’t taught how to win, they were taught how to quote. They were getting killed by the incumbent agent. 



All that changed when Randy Schwantz wrote The Wedge. He taught producers how to get their Competition Fired (without saying anything bad about them). He’s now a speaker, author and trainer. He also developed iWin CRM, what many call the only technology they’d ever use to drive growth in their agency.