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For Agencies with 3-10 Producers…Focused on Middle-Market Accounts with $5,000 to $50,000 revenue…

Double Your New Business This Year Guaranteed

Install a Sales Operating System That Grows Your Agency 3-5x Faster

Tired of...

Stagnant Growth

Weak differentiation

An addiction to small Accounts

Producer's are busy -- But Not productive

Goals are clear -- but results Aren't there

Looking for advanced strategies designed to fill your bench with million-dollar-producers?

4.9 of 5 stars trust rating

4.9 | Based on 692 Verified reviews

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Tired of...

Stagnant Growth

Weak differentiation

An addiction to small Accounts

Producer's are busy -- but Not productive

Goals are clear -- but results Aren't there

Looking for advanced strategies designed to full your bench with million-dollar-producers?

4.9 of 5 stars trust rating

4.9 | Based on 692 Verified reviews

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As used by

Alera Insurance Group client logo
Arthur Hall client logo
Central Insure client logo
CMB Insurance client logo
Conrad Houston Insurance client logo
Gencorp Insurance client logo
German Insurance client logo
Insurance Group of America client logo
JGS Insurance client logo
Lawrie Insurance Group client logo
Oakbridge Insurance client logo
Miller Insurance Group client logo
German American Insurance client logo
Stalwart Insurance client logo
Superior Insurance client logo

Set more Appointments, Close Bigger Deals and Keep Them Longer

When your producers do these 3 things, your agency grows. It’s that simple.
That said, most CRM’s are reporting tools, not Sales tools. They don’t make it easier for producers to do those 3 things – to do their job.
Why you might be asking? Well, they were built by IT guys for CEO’s that want to keep their fingers on the pipeline. They never intended to be growth tools, just reporting tools.
But, reporting does not drive your business growth.
Traditional CRM systems like Salesforce and Pipedrive focus heavily on reporting, Bignition is designed to focus on producer enablement first.
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Bignition feature button for Prospecting Scripts

Fully embedded Prospecting scripts unique to Commercial Insurance

Leave voicemails and emails that actually address the buyer’s pain, backed with the means to position yourself as the ultimate problem solver.
Bignition feature button for 5 true sales KPIs

You can stop wasting time dreaming up relevant Sales KPI's

There are just 5 Sales KPI’s any commercial insurance agency needs and they are at the top of the screen, coming straight from the goals you can set in the system.
Bignition feature button for Key Account Breakdown

Small Accounts Kill Big Production: Close more top 20% accounts

Settle for more, and you will get it. You can now review the Top 20% and the Bottom 40% with your producers to convince them to go BIG!
5 star trust rating
Arthut Hall client logo

“We had ambitious goals, but no path to get us there before we met Randy and learned about this program. Remarkably, our agency grew 39% since joining. Our average account size grew from $2,500 to $17,000.

Today our closing ratio is over 80%. Our good prospects are being underserved by their agents and now that we have this system, we’re able to illustrate what they could be getting and we win.”

Client photo Jim Denham of Arthur Hall

Jim Denham


Arthur Hall Insurance

5 star trust rating
Conrad Houston Insurance client logo

“We expected to go backwards last year because of the economy, instead we grew by 7%.

With Bignition, we have 24/7 access to training. The technology finally gives us an honest picture of where each producer is on any given prospect from intro to close. We have the tools to help our producers drill down on what makes us different from our competition.”

Client photo Paul Houston

Paul Houston


Conrad-Houston Insurance

5 star trust rating
CMB Insurance client logo

“With The Wedge and Bignition, we grew from $4 million to $27 million in revenue, built a team of 30 producers— half with over million-dollar books. 

Our structured training, role-playing, and data-driven accountability help producers hit their goals in record time. This system isn’t theory—it’s a proven path to winning.

Ben Mcdonald



5 star trust rating

“Before The Wedge and Bignition, our producers were stuck quoting and hoping. Now, they’re doubling and even tripling their new business revenue—going from $50,000 to $150,000+ a year. 

The Monday Mastermind calls, CRISP meetings, and a focus on larger accounts have transformed how we sell, boosting retention and driving nonstop client referrals. This system works.”

Roland Galli

Sales Manager

George Petersen Insurance Agency

5 star trust rating

“Bignition helped us double our commercial lines revenue from $700K to $1.2M in just three years by focusing on consistent, bigger wins—transforming our approach and results. 

With a 15x increase in average account size (from $500 to $7,500) and a closing ratio soaring above 80%, the system’s structured, repeatable process has turned our sales team into a powerhouse of confidence, precision, and consistent success.”

James Thompson

Sales Leader

First Commonwealth Insurance Agency

5 star trust rating
Insurance Group of America client logo

“In just 10 years, we grew from a $380,000 book to $10 million, averaging 30% year-over-year growth.

The GRIT hiring process and personality assessment have been game-changers in building a powerhouse team, and our sales meetings push producers to be extraordinary. This system (Bignition) isn’t theory—it’s a blueprint for winning.”

Jamie Noe


Insurance Group of America

Set more Appointments, Close Bigger Deals and Keep Them Longer

Get 3x more out of your existing client base

You already know that having high Retention and getting Introduced by your clients is how you multiply your growth. But most agencies lack the system to consistently accomplish either of those. Now you can do both with the press of a button.
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Bignition feature button for Systemized Introductions

You can stop talking about referrals and now get introductions on autopilot

Bignition allows you to build a Million Dollar database of target prospects that YOUR Clients KNOW to get yourself introduced.
Bignition feature button for Proactive Service Timelines

Embedded Proactive Service Timeline to Retain your Best Accounts for Life

Convert vague and verbal service promises into concrete and measurable service plans, insulating your best clients from your toughest competitors.


Get Your Competition Fired without Saying Anything Bad About Them

In commercial insurance, the only way to sell is by getting the competition fired. If you can’t get the competition fired, you can’t get hired. Bignition was developed to help you drive a Wedge © in between your client and the incumbent agent. That’s how your producers can stop quoting and start winning.

Bignition feature button for Competitor Sheets

Know exactly how to beat the competition

Build a resume on every competitor at the click of a button, to know exactly how to beat the incumbent agent every time
Bignition feature button for Target Retiring Agencies

Effortlessly target clients of retiring agents

In two clicks you can have a list of your retiring competitor’s clients in your database and you start calling – chances are his clients don’t like how they got handed off

The Wedge© built straight into Bignition

42 of the most Powerful Wedge Questions ever written by man, all in one easy to find place so your producers can thrive.
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"The decision to drop SalesForce and adopt Bignition was way overdue"

Some case study about how Salesforce was only costing them money to do very complicated reporting that didn’t make them extra money.
Agency Growth Machine Book icon

Bignition is built on a proven sales framework that has produced over $1 Billion in new revenue

Developed by renowned insurance sales expert Randy Schwantz, author of the Agency Growth Machine

Nobody wants – just – a CRM. What you want is to empower your producers to set more appointments, close more deals and keeping those accounts for longer.
To do that, you need the Triple Threat: train your team, coach them to perform and systemize their efforts. Bignition is how you turn a sleepy agency into an “Agency Growth Machine”.

Enable your team to become Million Dollar Producers

Time to crank up producer motivation, dump the spreadsheets and systemize your agency's growth

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