
Confidence Tip: If They Can Do It, Why Can’t I?

Confidence Tip: If They Can Do It, Why Can’t I?

Years ago, Anthony Robbins put on Fire Walk Seminars to help people turn Fear into POWER. Over 30,000 people had walked on fire already. So, Randy wondered, “If they can do it, why can’t I?” Hence, Randy participated and walked on fire.

It opened his eyes to what other people were accomplishing in business and in life. He kept thinking, “If they can do it, why can’t I?”

For you to be able to accomplish that which others are already succeeding, you need to be willing to put in hard work and become a student of your craft. Confidence is a feeling that comes from realizing you know a little more than what others know.

If they can do it, why can’t I? The simple answer is you can.

You just have to be willing to do what they did to get there; what others have done to be able to walk on fire.

  • Be willing to do what other people have done
  • Become a student
  • Learn how to manage time
  • Learn how to manage money
  • Learn how to manage your difference

Success and Confidence Work In Harmony

If you can do all of this, and if I will do this, two things happen. If you become more successful, you become more confident, which in turn drives your success. They work hand in hand.

Write this down: If they can do it, why can’t I?

10x Producer email header aug 2016

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