
A Simple Way to Hire Elite Producers

A Simple Way to Hire Elite Producers

Recruiting Elite ProducersMany business owners have great confidence in their own abilities because of what they have achieved, however that does not equal smart hiring. Small businesses can be further hampered by the lack of an in-house HR professional. Even following all about the current hiring practices and know the qualities for new hires, you can still fail.

Jim Collin, author of Good to Great, asserts that your first step is to recruit and hire the right people.

“We expected that good-to-great leaders would begin by setting a new vision and strategy. We found instead that they first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats – and then they figured out where to drive it. The old adage ‘People are your most important asset' turns out to be wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are.”

To have the “right people on the bus,” you will need to have a structured hiring process that results in finding and hiring quality candidates who are capable, competent, and willing to succeed.

In his new book, GRIT How to Find, Hire and Develop REAL Producers, Randy Schwantz lays out a specific hiring process that incorporates an assessment tool. It’s not a stretch to say you can find candidates who “can” be Producers. They may have the skills, knowledge and some experience, yet they can still fail because they lack the drive and confidence to make things happen.

“You will succeed or fail by the extremes of your personality.”

Wess Roberts, PhD, author of Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun.

Why use assessments

The people most confident in their abilities to predict and measure who will be an Elite Producer actually tend to be the least good at it. Their over-confidence leads to a gut decision, which has with a direct correlation to lack of success. Data doesn’t lie. If you use a consistent, well-validated approach, you will make better hires over the long run.

Every manager knows the cost of Producer turnover is high. Still, that often has to be balanced against the costs of assessments. With all sorts of testing choices within easy reach, the key, then, is to understand what to do with the assessment data you are receiving. Once you understand what to do, then the ROI becomes clear and positive.

Craftmetrics is a leader in compatibility profiles. Users are able to develop their own REAL Producer Personality Inventory (CMPI), which measures nine “primary traits” and six “core traits.” With a standardized assessment you can more quickly cut through the weeds to find the REAL Producer.

The major reason some companies use five or six interviews is that they are typically not using assessments, such as CraftMetrics, to shorten the process and, therefore, must rely upon multiple interviews to measure the candidate’s personality and motivation.

Become more successful at hiring Elite Producers by incorporating a standardized assessment that fits your company’s sales culture and have a company hiring process. Learn more about CraftMetrics and GRIT How to Find, Hire and Develop REAL Producers.

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