
New Producers: Can’t Produce and Won’t Produce are 2 Different Things

New Producers: Can’t Produce and Won’t Produce are 2 Different Things

“Start looking for talented people who are NOT currently in the commercial insurance industry. Recruit them into your hiring process. Become masterful at hiring and developing new producers.” – Randy Schwantz

What’s the difference between can’t produce and won’t produce?

Can’t produce simply means they don’t have the talent necessary to do the job. Won’t produce means they don’t have enough drive. Let me give you an example:

Most guys 5’2” can’t jump high enough to dunk a basketball, it’s a height problem.

But, a guy 6’5” should have no problem… however, it still takes a lot of effort to get high enough to drive that ball down through the hoop.

The same is true with producers… can’t sell means no talent. Won’t sell means not enough drive.

When interviewing new producer candidates, it’s pretty easy to eliminate the candidate that just can’t sell. But, it’s hard to eliminate the person that has all the attributes, they are smart, good at relationship, likable… but not enough drive to get it done.

If you haven’t developed an arsenal of exercises, interview techniques and personality profiles to measure drive and ambition, let me show you how. Click here to get started with your free GRIT Interview Process Worksheet.

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