The REVELATION from the Fire Walk | The Wedge Group

The REVELATION from the Fire Walk

The REVELATION from the Fire Walk

Weeks after I had walked on fire I was going through some really introspective stuff (Well, pretty deep for a farm boy from Lubbock, Texas).

But before I get to that, let me give you a little background first.

As some of you know, I didn’t work on my secondary education for long. In fact, it was very short. I went to college at Texas Tech for 3 days: Tuesday, Thursday and Tuesday. I call it a week and a half. My brother who has his doctorate from Texas Tech says I should call it what it really is: 3 days.

About a year later, I moved from Lubbock to Dallas.

Those were the really good days in Dallas. The TV show Dallas was in its heyday. The Dallas Cowboys had Roger Staubach and Tony Dorsett, coached by the legend Tom Landry.

And, SMU had one of the best college football teams money could buy. They broke a few rules and thereafter suffered the death penalty.

The point I’m trying to make is that, for me, Dallas was absolutely crazy. Everyone wore Polo shirts and drove ‘Bimmers’ or Mercedes.

I didn’t fit in. It was really intimidating for me. I had no degree. I couldn’t get a good job. Everyone else seemed rich. It was all of that which caused me to want to walk on fire or more appropriately deal with my fears in the first place.

After walking on those red hot coals I came to one very big revelation and here it is…

“If someone else can do it, why can’t I?”

If I was willing to find a coach or mentor and commit myself to learning what I needed to learn… if I was willing to work hard… then why couldn’t I start a business? Why couldn’t I write a book? Why couldn’t I (fill in the blank). My revelation was that I could and soon after I did.

That became my mantra: “If someone else can do it, why can’t I?”

Here’s what I’m hoping you get out of this, because it’s not about me!

If you’re not living life to the fullest (whatever that means), if you’re not knocking down big doors, fully implementing your financial plan, growing a book of business, buying into your agency, then here is what I want you to do.

I want you to look around at the people who are doing it and ask the question: “If they can do it, why can’t I?”

What must I change to have what I want?

The Fire Walk was one of the best experiences of my life.

Share Your experiences that changed your life in the comment section below.

Tell me about where you are not living your life to the fullest.

  • Hal
    Posted at 12:15h, 28 July Reply

    I too found other interests to fill my time while attending college (University of Missouri – I played freshman football, pledged a fraternity and did not attend a single day of classes. My GPA at the end of the first semester was 0.00.)

    Shortly after leaving school I received an invitation to attend a specialty school to learn how to shoot guns and blow up stuff. Sounded like fun, but I had my doubts about a recruiter telling me that I could become all I wanted to be without them having ever met me. I was even told that after a short training course I would be eligible to travel to exotic destinations in Asia! How bad could it be?

    After bouncing around from job to job during the Spring and Summer of 1969, I too had a time of personal reflection. It took time, but one day I finally found myself – standing in a pair of yellow footprints on the pavement in front of a barber shop at Boot Camp in San Diego, CA – one of a few good men who believed the hype. I was to become a lean, mean, US Marine.

    Cutting to the present:

    40+ years later I find myself struggling to make the cold calls needed to succeed in sales. Even though my closing ratio is 50-60%, I’m not picking up the phone to set the interviews with prospective clients. I can go through all of the steps up to the point of making calls, but freeze up and find busy work to take my focus off of making the calls. I’m stymied. I’ve read the books, listened to the tapes and consorted with positive people, yet I’m still not doing what I need to do to succeed. Now, that I find myself trying to succeed in the 21st Century, I’m attending the webinars, subscribing to online sales blogs or newsletters, and convincing myself that technology will provide a solution.

    How is it that I succeeded on the gridiron, advanced quickly in rank in the Marines, yet find myself afraid of rejection on the phone? I’m allowing my success to be stymied by what appears to be low self-esteem? I am puzzled. I’ve never been one to over estimate my standing, but then I’ve never been hesitant to engage a stranger in conversation. Am I simply lacking the practice in telling my story? I’m not confident in the services or products I have to offer? Not sure, but I need to make a change, and make it quickly.


    • Randy Schwantz
      Posted at 16:23h, 28 July Reply


      First thanks so much for your story and your candor. Obviously I can relate to much of what you say. Clearly there is some mental barrier and that’s the good news. It’s not a real barrier. It’s just some head trash. I invite you to take on the mantra…either mine or your own. If they can do it, why can’t I? Indeed you can.

  • Jamie Cooke
    Posted at 14:00h, 28 July Reply


    I read your blog. I truly appreciate your gift for words. I get a zillion emails a day. Something compelled me to open the link and read yours. Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine doing this. I know of people who have had this experience. Maybe one day I’ll have the opportunity and courage to do the same.

  • CWL
    Posted at 14:55h, 28 July Reply

    We all face sales call reluctance and fear of rejection, only when we find our “why” do we overcome it! When you say to yourself I have had it! I am going to succeed and identify with yourself as a action oriented salesperson will you start making the calls. You must get organized and start your day making calls first thing in the AM so as not to get busy procrastinating. Find a way to have fun with it! Reward yourself for successes and meeting objectives. Sales is not easy when you do make calls, it’s impossible if you don’t! Make a decision to make calls before you do anything else. That’s my advice. Take action.
    If you talk about it, it’s a dream!
    If you envision it, it’s exciting!
    If you plan for it, it’s possible!
    If you schedule it, it’s real!

    • Randy Schwantz
      Posted at 16:25h, 28 July Reply


      I agree with the structure that you are referring to. Having that in place definitely makes a difference. Thanks for your contribution.

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