Create a Disciplined Sales Approach | The Wedge Group

Create a Disciplined Sales Approach

Create a Disciplined Sales Approach

The Wedge Group overcoming fearDiscipline begins at home (well, in this case, in the office!) – during weekly sales meetings. Think about it. How do your sales meetings go? Are they run professionally, succinctly, and with accountability? Is everyone bringing consistent reports that depict the true “lay of the land” with respect to sales prospects, meetings, and probable closes? Or are your producers presenting a “soft” image with vague, inconsistent reporting? Do they speak using language that belies a committed, driven desire for success, or that betrays tired, road-weary, beaten-up “salespeople”?

It could be said that sales meetings are a microcosm of sales performance. On-task sales meetings project an internal attitude toward the seriousness of client acquisition, renewals, overall revenue generation, profitability and goals.

How much time do you spend on winning new accounts or talking about proposal strategies?  iWin has systems that allow for consistent prospect and sales reporting, as well as continually promote a culture of accountability. Based on a simple philosophy that “in a tie, the incumbent always wins,” the CRISP sales meeting process puts you in the catbird’s seat for wrangling almost-certain sales away from your most aggressive and feared competitors.

With iWin, you can shift your sales meetings away from boring reports and rehashing the past again and again, toward a more forward-looking and inspiring approach.

Instead of having to pour endless cups of coffee to stay awake, engage in an immersive competitive environment, implementing all the iWin tools at your disposal: competitive intelligence, your unique sales advantage, templates, tools and training.

And, everything that you learn, discover and develop is recorded and instantly accessible.  What’s more, your entire team can stop wasting hours preparing data for your weekly sales meetings. Think of what they can focus on instead of minutiae!  Plus, there’s an added bonus – with an accountability culture, no one can hide!

With iWin, your producers are disciplined and your sales meetings actually produce revenue. How? Because everyone is instantly accountable and opportunities to close abound. Give it a try!

Click here for more information about running effective sales meetings.


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